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  • Hello world!

    Welcome to LAWIN Sites. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

  • Intellectual Property

    Intellectual Property What is Intellectual Property? Intellectual property covers two main areas: industrial property, covering inventions, trade marks, industrial designs, and protected designations of origin; copyright, represented by literary, musical, artistic, photographic, and audio-visual works. Intellectual property makes use of the following instruments: patents; utility models; industrial design; trade marks; semiconductor chip protection; plant variety…

  • International Patent Classification

    International Patent Classification The International Patent Classification (IPC) is an internationally recognised classification system, which is controlled by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) and assigned to patent documents by Patent Offices. Further details are available on the WIPO web site at

  • Topography of semiconductor products

    The topography of semiconductor products What is protected? Concept The part of a semiconductor product that is protected is its topography, i.e. the design and the layout of the elements composing the product. It is this topography which directly determines the product’s various functions. However, protection covers only the topography and does “not extend to…

  • Forms of Protection

    Forms of Protection The most important forms of protection in Intellectual Property and Industrial Property in Europe are listed below: Forms of Protection of Patents Technical inventions: New Inventive step Industrial application Duration of protection: 20 years Instruments: National patents Euro-patent application PCT applications Competent authorities: National patent offices European Patent Office WIPO Forms of…

  • Patent Search

    Patent Search What is the use of a search in patent and other technical literature? Searches in patent and other technical literature yield information about the state of the art – all knowledge that was available to the public at a certain time within a technical field. Searches may be carried out by hand or…

  • History of Patents

    History of Patents The word patent comes from the Latin ‘litterae patentes’, meaning an open letter. Such letters were used by medieval monarchs to confer rights and privileges. With a royal seal, the letters served as proof of those rights, for all to see. While the first system for patenting inventions cannot be attributed to…

  • Patenting Process

    The Patenting Process The filing and recognition of patents is truly international. While it is essential for patent agents and lawyers to appreciate the differences between national laws and procedures, international conventions have imposed a large measure of standardisation. All developed countries and many developing nations are signatories to these conventions. In general, if you…

  • Patent

    What is a Patent? A patent is an exclusive right given by law to inventors to make use of, and exploit, their inventions for a limited period of time. By granting the inventor a temporary monopoly in exchange for a full description of how to perform the invention, patents play a key role […]

  • Patent Information

    Patent Information The Value of Patent Information Studies have shown that 70-90% of the information contained within patents is never published anywhere else, so patents are indeed a unique and essential information source for uncovering new technology information. There are over 30 million patents in the world today, and each year an average of one…